SE Roundtable

Daily Search Forum Recap: November 3, 2023

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web. The Google November…

SE Roundtable

Google November 2023 Core Update Rolling Out

Only two weeks after the October 2023 core update finished rolling out, we have a new core update rolling out – the November 2023 core update. This is a different…

SE Roundtable

Google Ads Editor Version 2.5 Is Now Out

Google has released version 2.5 of the Google Ads Editor, this comes 17 weeks since version 2.4 was released in Jul 2023. The new version gains campaign level broad match,…

SE Roundtable

Google AdSense Launches New Ad Review Center

Google has announced it launched a new Ad review center for AdSense, Ad Manager, and AdMob. The new Ad review center should make it easier for you to approve ads,…

SE Roundtable

Daily Search Forum Recap: November 1, 2023

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web. Google mobile first…

SE Roundtable

Google Mobile First Indexing Now Really Done

Google announced that its mobile-first indexing “trek” is now “complete.” Which is strange to me being that Google said it was done moving sites to mobile-first indexing last May but…

SE Roundtable

Google Merchant Center Next Adds Google Business Profile Details

Google Merchant Center Next, its upgraded version of its Merchant Center platform, reportedly just gained integration with Google Business Profiles. Emmanuel Flossie reported, “Google Merchant Center Next now allows you…

SE Roundtable

Google: Old Content Doesn’t Make It Unhelpful Content

Google’s Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan, said on X that just because content is old, it doesn’t mean that content is unhelpful. He said, “Just because something is older doesn’t make…

SE Roundtable

Google On Algorithm Updates: The “Web Changes. Content Chan...

Danny Sullivan, Google’s Search Liaison, defended why Google pushed out search ranking algorithm updates, saying on X, “The web changes. Content changes. People’s expectations change. That’s why we keep looking…

SE Roundtable

Daily Search Forum Recap: October 27, 2023

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web. We’re seeing signs…

SE Roundtable

Google Ads Beta Search Themes For Performance Max

Google announced the beta launch of Search themes for Google Ads Performance Max campaigns. Search themes are an optional signal you can use to inform Google AI about your business…

SE Roundtable

New Google Business Profile Suspension Emails

Google has updated its suspension notice emails from Google Business Profiles. Now when your business is suspended, Google will send an email explaining why it was suspended, i.e. for a…

SE Roundtable

Google Search Generative Experience Gains “Supportive”...

Google announced yesterday that the Google Search Generative Experience has added new “supportive” links to the AI-powered answer snapshots. Google wrote, “you’ll now be able to see AI-generated descriptions of…

SE Roundtable

New Google AR Beauty Ads

Google has a new ad format called AR beauty ads. In Google Shopping ads you can now add the “try-on experience” in place of the search ad’s product image. “With…

SE Roundtable

Daily Search Forum Recap: October 25, 2023

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web. Google is now…

SE Roundtable

New: Google Search Supports Syntax Graph Merge

Google Search as of last week now supports syntax graph merge. This allows you to use two different forms of structured data, such as JSON-LD and Microdata, on the same…

SE Roundtable

Google Ad Revenue Up 9.5% & Bing Ads Revenue Up 10%

Both Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising revenue were up big this past quarter, both up about 10%. Comparing it to last quarter, Google was only up 3% and Microsoft was…

SE Roundtable

Google Ads New Dynamic Overview Carousel

Google Ads is testing (or rolling out) a new overview design for the advertiser console. It lets you pick which metrics you want to show in that view, and you…

SE Roundtable

Google Search Product Overlay Nearby Store Filter

For many years now, Google Search has offered ways to find products that are in stores near your location. Now the product overlay feature within Google Search also lets you…

SE Roundtable

Vlog #246: Chris Long on E-Commerce SEO

In part one, we learned about Chris Long and his experience working with Bill Slawski. Then, in part two, we spoke about helping people with SEO on LinkedIn and using…

SE Roundtable

Google Search Console Failed: Hostload Exceeded Error

Since late last week there has been a spike in Google Search Console’s URL Inspection Tool showing a “failed: hostload exceeded” error. Google’s John Mueller said on Friday they are…

SE Roundtable

Google News For Context “By The Numbers” Tag

Google Search is testing a “by the numbers” tag or label in the Google News / Top Stories “For Context” section. I guess Google adds this tag if it thinks…

SE Roundtable

Google Ads API Version 15 Now Available

Google has released version 15 of the Google Ads API last week but I did not notice until over the weekend. The big updates include but are not limited to…

SE Roundtable

Google “Do More With Search” Feature

Google seems to be testing a new search feature to encourage more searches from its user base. There is this new “Do more with search” box that shows other searches…

SE Roundtable

Google AdSense Vignettes Ads New Frequency Controls

Google AdSense this morning rolled out frequency controls for vignette ads format in Auto ads. These frequency controls let AdSense publishers decide how often vignettes are shown to their users.

SE Roundtable

Daily Search Forum Recap: October 20, 2023

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

SE Roundtable

New Google AdSense Related Search For Auto Ads

Google has added a new auto ads option to AdSense named related search for auto ads. Related search for Auto ads lets publishers show their users search terms related to…

SE Roundtable

Twitter (X) Now Is Blocking Bing Search

X, well,, is now blocking Bing Search, specifically Bingbot, from crawling and accessing content posted on, on the X platform. Twitter specifically added to its robots.txt file a…

SE Roundtable

Google Bard With Side By Side Drafts

A couple of weeks ago, Bard posted that for some questions, it might show you two drafts side-by-side. I have yet to see that in action, that is until now.