SE Roundtable

Google Search Perspectives & Opinions

Google seems to be testing a new box in the search results named perspectives and opinions. The naming convention reminds me of Google perspectives, but this acts differently, as the…

SE Roundtable

Google Local Check Wait Time Button

Google is testing a “check wait time” button for some local results in the Google search results. I guess this tells you how long you have to wait to receive…

SE Roundtable

Daily Search Forum Recap: January 16, 2023

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

SE Roundtable

Google Business Profiles Attribute Details Beta

Google Business Profiles seems to be testing, beta testing, the ability for businesses to add more details, to “say more about” their business attributes.

SE Roundtable

Google Sponsored Label In Product Listing Results

Google is now testing the Google Ads sponsored label in the product listing results within the more products section in an additional result. I cannot replicate this, but Saad AK…

SE Roundtable

Google Knowledge Panel Recent Images Carousel

Google has a “recent images” photo carousel for some knowledge panels. For example, Google had this for a search on the [golden globes] last week, where it shows photos from…

SE Roundtable

Google Search Tests Trending Stories From Country/Region

Google Search is testing displaying news stories for users in a specific country or region, from a specific country or region. Google titles this section, “Trending stories from country/region” and…

SE Roundtable

Google: Keep Your HTML Head Section Clean

Google’s John Mueller said when it comes to your HTML head section, you want to ensure that section is clean and tight. If possible, you don’t want it to have…

SE Roundtable

Daily Search Forum Recap: January 11, 2023

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

SE Roundtable

Poll: Most SEOs Not Using Google Analytics 4

Carrie Hill posted a poll on Twitter asking SEOs, her followers, what the status of their GA4, Google Analytics 4 installs are. It seems like most SEOs, well, the 300…

SE Roundtable

Google: Traffic Is Not A Measure Of Search Quality

Google’s John Mueller said on Twitter that traffic is not necessarily a quality measure. Basically, John is saying just because a certain number of pages do not get as much…

SE Roundtable

Dentists Now Can Use Google Local Service Ads

Matt Casady spotted that Google added a new vertical to Local Service Ads. Google now allows dental practices and dentists to buy ads on Google Local Service Ads.

SE Roundtable

Microsoft Bing Tests Zoomable Sitelinks

Microsoft Bing is at it again, this time testing a sitelink interface that zooms in and expands as you hover your mouse cursor over the link. It is pretty cool…

SE Roundtable

Google Search “Popular Next Steps” Option

Google is testing or has launched a new search refinement or expansion feature named “popular next steps.” If Google thinks<< your original query will lead to a new query in your…

SE Roundtable

Daily Search Forum Recap: January 3, 2023

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

SE Roundtable

Google: We Ignore Hidden Text On A Page

Google’s John Mueller said that when it comes to hidden text on a page, Google is “good at ignoring it.” It is one of those things that Google seems not…

SE Roundtable

Google Search Full Coverage Label On Desktop

Google since 2019 had this “full coverage” label for news stories that showed up in mobile search results. I am not sure if this ever was presented in the desktop…

SE Roundtable

Daily Search Forum Recap: January 2, 2023

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web. I hope you…

SE Roundtable

January 2023 Google Webmaster Report

Welcome to 2023, and with that, here is our Google webmaster report for 2023 – where we summarize the bigger Google SEO-related changes in the past month. The big items…

SE Roundtable

Daily Search Forum Recap: December 30, 2022

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web. Google said search…

SE Roundtable

Google Search Adds Grammar Check Feature

Google Search can now tell you if your query is using proper grammar. Google will show you a green checkmark under the title “Grammar Check” when you get the grammar…

SE Roundtable

Google Search Product Listings With Price History Graph

Google seems to be testing a “price history” chart or graph in the Google Shopping search product listings interface. I personally cannot replicate this yet, outside of seeing the “typical…

SE Roundtable

Google Ads Dynamic Search Ads Experimental Flow

Google has confirmed it is testing a non-DSA option when creating new search campaigns within Google Ads. Ginny Marvin, the Ads Liaison, said on Twitter, “We’re running an experiment in…